Introducing Mills Road MUD’s New Utility Billing System: Here’s How to Register & Make Your First Payment!

Great news! Mills Road MUD’s transition to the new enhanced utility billing software is complete and the customer portal is available for enrollment. To pay online please  re-register your account on the customer portal at  ; this includes all auto draft customers. You must manually make your first payment.

All fees remain the same: There will be a $1.00 processing fee for all echeck payments, including auto drafts or 3.99% processing fee for all credit/debit card payments. These fees are not charged or collected by Water District Management or your District.

Elevating Your Utility Experience: Introducing Our Upgraded Water and Sewer Billing System!

We’re super excited to announce our transition to an enhanced water and sewer utility billing software!

Over the next few months, we will provide updates on this transition. Watch for an insert inside your monthly water/sewer bill that will include your district’s transition date.

To help make the transition easy for you, we will send you an email that contains a button that links directly to your new account number.

If you have any questions or need assistance, call us at (281) 376-8802 or email

Notice to Customer Regarding Extreme Weather Emergency

This communication is to notify you that Mills Road Municipal Utility District, your retail water and sanitary sewer provider is:

  • prohibited from imposing late fees or disconnecting retail water or sewer service for nonpayment of bills that are due during an extreme weather emergency until after the emergency is over;
  • required to offer a payment schedule to a customer who requests such a schedule for unpaid bills due during an extreme weather emergency; and
  • prohibited from disconnecting retail water or sewer service for nonpayment of bills due during an extreme weather emergency until after a payment schedule has been offered and the customer has either declined to accept the payment schedule in a timely fashion or violated the terms of the payment schedule.

For purposes of this communication, an “extreme weather emergency” is defined as a period beginning when the previous day’s highest temperature in an area did not exceed 28 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours according to the nearest National Weather Service reports for that area. An extreme weather emergency is over on the second business day the temperature exceeds 28 degrees Fahrenheit.

Aviso Al Cliente Sobre Emergencia Por Condiciones Del Tiempo Extremas

Esta comunicación es para notificarle que su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado sanitario Mills Road Municipal Utility District, es:

  • prohibido imponer cargos por demora o desconectar el servicio de agua o alcantarillado por falta de pago de las facturas que vencen durante una emergencia climática extrema hasta después de que termine la emergencia;
  • obligado a ofrecer un plan de pago a un cliente que solicite dicho acuerdo para las facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia climática extrema; y
  • prohibido desconectar el servicio de agua o alcantarillado por falta de pago de facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia climática extrema hasta que se haya ofrecido un plan de pago y el cliente se haya negado a aceptar el plan de pago de manera oportuna o haya violado los términos del plan de pago.

A los fines de este comunicado, una “emergencia climática extrema” se define como un período que comienza cuando la temperatura más alta del día anterior en un área no superó los 28 grados Fahrenheit y se pronostica que la temperatura permanecerá en ese nivel o por debajo de este durante las próximas 24 horas. de acuerdo con los informes del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional más cercano para esa área. Una emergencia climática extrema termina el segundo día hábil en que la temperatura supera los 28 grados Fahrenheit.

Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate

The MILLS ROAD MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2022 on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the office of Water District Management Company, 17707 Old Louetta Road, Houston, TX 77070. Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the tax rate that is adopted and on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property. The change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property determines the distribution of the tax burden among all property owners.

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

Click here to read the notice.

Notice of Conversion to Chloramine Disinfection

Dear Customer,
Mills Road Municipal Utility District (“District”) is a participant in the North Harris County Regional Water Authority’s (“NHCRWA”) plan to reduce ground water usage in Harris County as mandated by the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District. The NHCRWA will supply utility districts within the conversion zone with treated surface water from Lake Houston in lieu of their groundwater supply. The District is located within the conversion zone and expects to receive surface water from the NHCRWA in 2022. Currently, the District produces potable water (“drinking water”) from ground water supplied by three (3) water wells located within the District.

The NHCRWA’s water supply will be disinfected using chloramines which is the best management practice that is an approved and accepted disinfection method authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“TCEQ”). The District is required by the TCEQ to have a compatible disinfectant system with the source supplier, the NHCRWA. The District is thus required to change the disinfectant used to produce drinking water from chlorine to chloramines in order for the District’s disinfection system to be compatible prior to the receipt of treated surface water. This change is intended to benefit our customers by reducing the levels of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in the distribution system, while still providing protection from waterborne disease.

However, the change to chloramines can cause problems to persons dependent on dialysis machines. A condition known as hemolytic anemia can occur if the disinfectant is not completely removed from the water that is used for the dialysate. Consequently, the pretreatment scheme used for the dialysis units must include some means, such as a charcoal filter, for removing the chloramine. Medical facilities should also determine if additional precautions are required for other medical equipment. Persons on dialysis should contact their doctor for instructions.

In addition, chloraminated water may be toxic to fish. If you have a fish tank, or fish pond, please make sure that the chemicals or filters that you are using are designed for use in water that has been treated with chloramines. You may also need to change the type of filter that you use for the fish tank. Persons with a fish tank should contact their professional supplier for information.

This Notice is to inform you that in the next few months, we will be converting to chloramines as our method of disinfection. We will provide additional notice when conversion date is confirmed.

We welcome your questions and/or comments. Please contact Water District Management (WDM) at 281-376-8802 should you have any questions or comments.

Mills Road MUD Board of Directors

Notice of Conversion to Chloramine Disinfection (PDF)

Holiday Trash Collection Schedule

Best Trash
(281) 313-2378

Office Hours

  • Friday, December 24th: CLOSED
  • Saturday, December 25th: CLOSED
  • Friday, December 31, 2021: 9:00 AM – Noon
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022: CLOSED

Our 2021 holiday schedule is as follows. Please note service times will likely be later than usual with the additional holiday volume.


  • Saturday, December 25, 2021: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, December 29, 2021: Normal services provided.
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, January 5, 2022: Normal services provided.

Trash Collection Holiday Schedule

Please note service times will likely be later than usual with the additional holiday volume.


  • Saturday, December 25, 2021: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, December 29, 2021: Normal services provided.
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022: No services provided. Service will resume on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, for trash collection.
  • Wednesday, January 5, 2022: Normal services provided.

Office Hours

Best Trash

(281) 313-2378

  • Friday, December 24th: Closed
  • Saturday, December 25th: Closed
  • Friday, December 31, 2021: 9:00 am – Noon
  • Saturday, January 1, 2022: Closed